Top 5 Tuesday: 5-29-18

I am back! Officially, ha. I went out of town for five days, had a zillion emails to deal with, and I. Am. BACK. And just in time, too! This week’s theme for Top 5 Tuesday from Bionic Book Worm is “Top Five Science Fiction”!

5. Red Rising by Pierce Brown

I honestly thought I would never read this, despite buying it for my Kindle. I would have made a Very Poor Life Choice. I read this for Forever Young Adult and I loved it so much!

4. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

I originally hated this just because the adaptation looked so terrible. But it’s so damn good!!!

3. Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale

I stopped reading these after awhile, but they’re really good.

2. Under the Dome by Stephen King

This book is 1074 pages long. I read it in 36 hours. That should give you an idea of how awesome this beast is.

1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

This is one of my all time favorite books ever, hands down. It’s so important, especially now.

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